Secretary of Corrections Le Blanc to visit Baton Rouge Day Reporting Center for open house Feb. 10

BATON ROUGE, La., February 1, 2017 – James M. Le Blanc, the Secretary of Corrections for the Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, and other local policymakers will visit Baton Rouge Day Reporting Center Feb. 10 for an open house.

The open house will be held Friday, Feb. 10, from 9 to 11 a.m. The DRC is located at 2751 Wooddale Blvd.

Secretary of Corrections Le Blanc to visit Baton Rouge Day Reporting Center for open house Feb. 10

The Baton Rouge DRC provides community treatment and training for medium to high risk probationers and parolees released to community supervision. Secretary Le Blanc has been a strong proponent of Day Reporting reentry services as a way to reduce costly recidivism.

In a statement, Secretary Le Blanc said: “Day reporting centers play an integral part in our criminal justice reform efforts. These centers are effective alternatives to revocation and incarceration, providing individualized case management, connecting parolees with the services they need, and thus helping lower recidivism, reducing incarceration costs, and making the public safer.”

DRC participants receive the ongoing treatment needed to help break cycles of criminal behavior and connections to valuable resources. Group classes include:

Evidence-based Day Reporting programs have been proven to  reduce recidivism when compared to traditional offender reentry programs; targets employment or full-time school enrollment upon program completion; generates significant savings for taxpayers through lower incarceration costs; and alters offenders’ attitudes and behavior through treatment and training.